Thursday, 12 March 2015

2015-2016 Registration!

Even though it's only March, plans are already underway for 2015-2016 registration!

The online registration system is currently shut down, and will remain shut down until until Monday, March 30.

For all our first year girls (currently in grade 2), you will be able to register on March 30th at 10:00AM (EDT). The system will be open ONLY to girls returning to their same unit. *

For girls returning to Guiding, but switching units or switching branches, you will be able to register as of Wednesday, April 29th. This includes all our second year girls (grade 3) who will be moving up to Guides, and any first year girls who are changing units. (Girls returning to their units will continue to be able to register.)

Finally, the system will open to all new girls on May 28th. (Girls returning to their units and girls already in Guiding will continue to be able to register.)

We highly encourage everyone to register as soon as possible! Last year our unit filled up on the first day registration opened to girls already in Guiding. By age, 17 of our current Brownies will be returning next year. To secure your space, please ensure you register between March 30th and April 28th. If you do not register, and our unit fills up, we will be unable to open any additional spaces.

*Please note that these dates and times are Ontario specific. If you happen to be on this blog from another province, do note that your registration date will be different than the above.